Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ok, I don't know about the rest of you but I have never made my own biscuits before. I've just always bought the ones in the can that pop out and scare you. So on Sunday I made chicken soup and I thought, Oooo soup with biscuits sounds good. So I made biscuits on Monday and I was pretty impressed with how they came out. So here you go!


2 C flour
4 tsp. Baking powder
3 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 C butter or shortening
1 egg
2/3 C milk

I used my food processor for this so I put all my dry ingredients into the bowl. I tried using half shortening and half butter but I think it would be better with all butter, but make sure it isn't warm and squishy because you want your mix to be crumby. So add slices of your butter into the dry ingredients then pulse it or use a fork to mix it in until it is a nice crumby texture.

Beat your egg with your milk and slowly add it to your mix, I like to use a fork to mix it while I pour.

Plop your dough out onto a floured surface. Don't go crazy on the flour. I think I put a little too much flour on mine. Knead your dough about 20 times. So that means, push down into the dough with both hands then kind of roll it back in, that counts as 1. Do that 20 times.

Now press your dough out and you can roll it a little with a rolling pin but you want it really thick. 3/4 inch is good, if you need, go get a ruler. Part of mine was like 1/2 inch and part was 3/4 inch. The 3/4 came out bigger and fluffier. Also, turn on your oven to 400 degrees.

Some fancy people have a biscuit cutter. I don't. So I used a glass that was about 2 1/2 inches wide, I dipped it in some flour and that worked great.

Place your biscuits on a greased cookie sheet. I had this cool sil mat so I didn't have to grease my pan. Once you cut all your circles out, you can roll up the dough, squish it a little then flatten it out again and cut out some more circles.

Alright, so pop those suckers in the oven and time it for 10 minutes. Check them to see if they are getting a little golden, don't cook them too long!

I like mine with butter and honey. Mmmmm

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