Monday, July 26, 2010

Garden Monday Success!!!


The Fruits of my Labors!!!!

Mind you, they're not very big fruit but BOY HOWDY are they tasty!

This is the absolute best thing about gardening, it is like magic. You plant this little stick in the ground and then you get these tasty bits to eat and if you have never had a tomato fresh off the vine,
Oh My Gosh!!! So freckin' tasty!
You wouldn't think that warm tomatoes are yummy but yeah, warmed by the sun and juicy. MMMmmmmmmmmmm.
Plus I love that these are bite size so you just pop them in, a little bit of sunshine in your mouth.

Sooooooo if you don't have a garden, next year.....Get One!!!
It doesn't have to be big, heck it could be one plant, but if you are growing something you can eat then that is a garden. 
Happy Gardening!!


  1. Tomatoes off the vine from your own garden are THE BEST!!!! Yours look so cute.

  2. Thanks!! I love the different colors. I'm kind of sad that I haven't gotten more.


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